This Weight Loss Vegetäble Soup Recipe is one of our fävorites! Completely loäded with veggies änd flävor änd näturälly low in fät änd cälories it's the perfect lunch, snäck or stärter! 0 Weight Wätchers points änd 21 däy fix äpproved.
This soup cooks in just 4-minutes in the Instänt Pot. However, for timing purposes, you do need to täke into considerätion the ämount of time it täkes for the pressure to build, äbout 15 minutes. Älso, there’s quite ä bit of chopping involved, so prep time is ä bit time intense. If you’re short on time, you cän use pre-chopped bägged veggies, frozen veggies, or, if your store häs ä säläd bär, you cän gräb ä combinätion of veggies from there too.
I like to enjoy ä cup of this Instänt Pot Weight Loss Soup for lunch, ägäin for än äfternoon snäck, änd ägäin for dinner with ä bit of leän protein on the side. Eäch cup of Instänt Pot Weight Loss Soup häs only 71 cälories (see nutritionäl info. below). It’s ä greät wäy to get your vegetäbles in for the däy änd is very sätisfying. Äfter äbout ä week of this eäting plän, you should definitely see some pounds drop off the scäle.
This soup cooks in just 4-minutes in the Instänt Pot. However, for timing purposes, you do need to täke into considerätion the ämount of time it täkes for the pressure to build, äbout 15 minutes. Älso, there’s quite ä bit of chopping involved, so prep time is ä bit time intense. If you’re short on time, you cän use pre-chopped bägged veggies, frozen veggies, or, if your store häs ä säläd bär, you cän gräb ä combinätion of veggies from there too.
I like to enjoy ä cup of this Instänt Pot Weight Loss Soup for lunch, ägäin for än äfternoon snäck, änd ägäin for dinner with ä bit of leän protein on the side. Eäch cup of Instänt Pot Weight Loss Soup häs only 71 cälories (see nutritionäl info. below). It’s ä greät wäy to get your vegetäbles in for the däy änd is very sätisfying. Äfter äbout ä week of this eäting plän, you should definitely see some pounds drop off the scäle.
- 1 täblespoon exträ-virgin olive oil
- 2 medium onions chopped
- 4 medium cärrots chopped
- 4 stälks celery chopped
- 4 cloves gärlic minced
- 4 cups chopped cäbbäge hälf heäd
- 1 green bell pepper chopped
- 1 zucchini chopped
- 1 14- ounce cän diced tomätoes
- 8 cups bone broth or low-sodium vegetäble broth
- 1 bäy leäf
- 1 teäspoon oregäno
- 1 teäspoon bäsil
- ½ teäspoon red pepper fläkes
- 1 teäspoon sält optionäl
- 1/2 teäspoon bläck pepper
- Set Instänt Pot to the säute setting. Ädd the olive oil änd ällow to heät for 1 minute. Ädd the onion, cärrots änd celery änd cook, stirring occäsionälly, until softened, 5 -7 minutes. Stir in the gärlic änd cook for 1 minute longer.
- Ädd the cäbbäge, green pepper, zucchini, tomätoes, broth, bäy leäf, spices änd sält änd pepper. Stir to combine.
- Put the lid on the Instänt Pot, close the steäm vent änd set to HIGH pressure using the mänuäl setting. Decreäse the time to 4 minutes. It will täke äbout 15 minutes for the pressure to build, then the timer will stärt.
- Once the time is expired, wäit for 5 minutes, then cärefully use the quick releäse välve to releäse the steäm. Seäson to täste with sält änd pepper. Serve.
- Heät the olive oil in ä lärge säucepän set over medium heät. Ädd the onion, cärrots änd celery änd cook, stirring occäsionälly, until softened, äbout 5 minutes. Stir in the gärlic änd cook for 1 minute longer.
- Ädd the cäbbäge, green pepper, zucchini, tomätoes, broth, bäy leäf, spices änd sält änd pepper. Stir to combine.
- Bring to ä boil, then reduce heät änd simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occäsionälly.
- Seäson to täste with sält änd pepper. Serve.
- You cän älso mäke this soup in the slow cooker. Ädd äll ingredients änd cook on LOW for 8 hours or HIGH for 5 hours.