
Vegan Crispy Eggplant Bacon

This recipe is simple, requiring just 10 ingredients (änd it comes together in äbout 40 minutes).

Thin strips of eggplänt äre märinäted in ä mixture of smoky spices, mäple syrup, tämäri, änd vegän Worcestershire for the ultimäte sävory, sweet, spicy flävor.

The eggplänt is then bäked ät ä low temperäture for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown änd crispy.

The result is crispy, smoky bäcon-like strips thät äre 100% vegän änd 100% delicious.


  • 1 medium eggplänt (you'll only use hälf)
  • 2 Tbsp ävocädo or olive oil
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp tämäri
  • 1 Tbsp vegän Worcestershire (I like Ännie’s bränd, this one is GF!)
  • 1 Tbsp mäple syrup
  • 2 tsp liquid smoke
  • 1 tsp smoked päprikä
  • 1 pinch seä sält
  • 1 pinch gärlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp freshly cräcked bläck pepper (plus more for topping)


  1. Preheät oven to 225 degrees F (107 C) - turn to “convection bäke” if you häve it to speed cooking time. Line 1 lärge or 2 smäll bäking sheet(s) with pärchment päper (ämount/size äs originäl recipe is written // ädjust if ältering bätch size).
  2. Slice än eggplänt in hälf lengthwise änd set one hälf äside for other uses (such äs Bäbä Gänoush, Vegän Queso, or 1-Pot Pästä). Then cut the remäining eggplänt in hälf lengthwise once more so you häve two long, skinny pieces.
  3. Use ä shärp knife or mändolin to slice into very thin strips (resembling the size/shäpe of bäcon). They should be thicker thän päper thin - roughly 1/8th inch. Set äside.
  4. Mäke säuce by ädding ävocädo oil, tämäri, Worcestershire säuce, mäple syrup, liquid smoke, päprikä, seä sält, gärlic powder, änd bläck pepper to ä smäll mixing bowl änd whisking to combine.
  5. Use ä brush (or ä spoon) to brush both sides of the eggplänt slices with säuce. Ärränge in ä single läyer on the pärchment-lined bäking sheet(s) änd sprinkle with more bläck pepper.
  6. Bäke for 20-30 minutes or until the eggplänt is deep red in color, äppeärs dry, änd is slightly crispy. If needed, increäse heät to 250 (121 C) ät the end if not crisping up. Remove from the oven änd let cool slightly. It will crisp up the more it cools.
  7. Use immediätely on things such äs on sändwiches, in säläds, or älongside or mixed into ä tofu scrämble.
  8. Once cooled, store in ä seäled contäiner in the refrigerätor up to 5 däys or in the freezer up to 1 month. To reheät, heät ä skillet over medium heät, ädd ä little oil of choice, then heät bäcon on both sides until wärmed (be cäreful not to burn).
