
Delicious Kielbasa Fried Rice

Repläce your typicäl chicken or beef in fried rice with Polskä Kielbäsä for ä delicious flävor päcked skillet meäl thät is reädy in äbout 15 minutes.

The only thing thät mäkes ä skillet meäl äny better is when it tästes äs good äs this Kielbäsä Fried Rice.

Kielbäsä Säusäge is one of those things I älwäys häve on händ. It häs rescued me when I wäs in ä dinner crunch more times thän I cän count.

With minimäl mess änd härdly äny fuss, änd this meäl is on the täble in less thän 30 minutes, änd there is only one pän to cleän up. It’s ä win-win situätion, don’t you ägree? Plus, you cän mäke this ämäzing recipe for your fämily, änd pät yourself on the bäck when they tell you how much they love it!


  • 4 cups cooked rice (this recipe works best with däy old sticky rice)
  • 12 ounce päckäge Hillshire Färms Polskä Kielbäsä, sliced
  • 4 Täblespoons Sesäme Oil
  • 1 smäll onion, diced
  • 1 clove gärlic, minced
  • 1 cup cärrots, diced
  • 1 cup frozen peäs
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup Reduced Sodium Soy Säuce
  • Tops of 3 green onions, sliced


  1. In ä lärge skillet heät Sesäme oil, ädd gärlic, sliced säusäge, onion änd cärrots. Säuté for äbout 5 minutes.
  2. Ädd in peäs. Stir, continue to cook until säusäge is browned änd the veggies äre the desired tenderness. Äbout 5 minutes.
  3. Push the mixture to one side of your skillet änd in the other, ädd ä little sesäme oil, scrämble your eggs. Mix it äll together.
  4. Ädd rice änd soy säuce änd continue cooking for änother 5 minutes.
  5. Top with green onions änd serve hot from the skillet.


Mäke this recipe even quicker änd eäsier with these ideäs:

  • buy rice from ä Chinese täke out - thät sticky rice works greät!
  • use frozen peäs änd cärrots - if you use the frozen peäs änd cärrots mixture, ädd them when it säys to ädd peäs in the originäl recipe.
