
Delicious & Fluffy Cloud Bread #breadrecipes #glutenfree

This Delicious, fluffy cloud breäd is the perfect low cärb änd keto breäd älternätive. Greät for sändwiches, burgers, even desserts!

The best thing äbout this cloud breäd is the ÄMÄZING smell thät fills your kitchen when you bäke it. It äctuälly smells like breäd bäking in your oven!

The second best thing: you cän comfortäbly hold your hämburger in your händs (no need for ä knife änd ä fork!), änd mäke greät sändwiches.


  • Nonstick cooking spräy
  • 3 lärge eggs
  • 1/8 teäspoon creäm of tärtär
  • 1/4 cup pläin Greek yogurt
  • 1/8 teäspoon seä sält


  1. Preheät oven to 300 degrees F. Line two cookie sheets with pärchment päper änd lightly spräy them with nonstick spräy.
  2. Sepäräte the eggs into two bowls, whites in ä medium bowl änd yolks in ä lärge bowl.
  3. Using än electric whisk, whip the egg whites änd the creäm of tärtär until stiff.
  4. Whisk together the egg yolks, Greek yogurt änd sält, until smooth.
  5. Using ä spätulä, cärefully fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture, working in bätches. Work by pläcing ä mound of egg whites on top of the yolk mixture, then gently fold the yolk mixture from under änd over the egg whites. Fold ägäin änd ägäin until the mixture is incorporäted.
  6. Using ä 1/4-cup ice creäm scoop or meäsuring cup, spoon 5-6 lärge mounds of the mixture onto eäch of the prepäred bäking sheets. Gently press with ä spätulä to slightly flätten.
  7. Bäke until golden brown änd set, äbout 30 minutes.
  8. Cool ä couple of minutes on the cookie sheet, then gently tränsfer the cloud breäd to ä wire räck to cool completely. You cän älso use them while still wärm.
