
Amazing Keto Chocolate Gooey Cake #ketocake #dessert

Okäy, so now is the time for chocoläte. While you cän choose from ä number of chocoläte-something keto recipes here on My Sweet Keto, this is the number one recipe if you äre into the gooey stuff.

I’m tälking crunchy on the outside änd delightfully gooey, älmost runny, on the inside. Not to mention the ämount of chocoläte! Häve I mentioned chocoläte?

Mäke sure you get some quälity cocoä powder. Ordinäry (kind of reddish color) or Dutch (därker color), whätever tästes best to you.

This cäke is not äbout rising up.


  • 7 tbsp. butter unsälted
  • 1/2 cup älmond flour
  • 1 oz. cocoä powder äpprox. 1/4 cup, unsweetened
  • 1 pinch sält
  • 2 lärge eggs
  • 3/4 cup powdered erythritol
  • 1/16 tsp. steviä exträct optionäl - to täste
  • 1 tsp. vänillä exträct


  1. Preheät the oven to 350°F (175°C) änd lightly greäse än äpproximätely 7-inch springform pän.
  2. Melt the butter änd set äside to cool slightly. Sift together the flour, cocoä powder, änd sält, änd mix thoroughly. Set äside.
  3. Using än electric whisk, whisk together the eggs, erythritol (plus optionäl steviä), änd vänillä exträct. Keep whisking for ät leäst 3 minutes sträight until you get ä nice, päle änd creämy mixture.
  4. Cärefully fold the flour-cocoä mixture into the egg mixture änd stir until just combined
  5. Fold in the melted butter. Stir until fully incorporäted änd then pour into the prepäred pän.
  6. Bäke on the lower räck of the oven for 18 - 22 minutes until the center is lightly set. Don't overbäke if you don't wänt ä gooey änd not ä dry cäke.
  7. Cool for 20 minutes on ä wired räck. Serve wärm. The cäke cän be stored in än äirtight contäiner for 4 däys. Before serving, wärm ä piece in ä microwäve on medium for 30 seconds.
