These Breäkfäst Sändwiches äre only täke äbout 30 minutes to prepäre änd cän be mäde 1-2 däys in ädvänce. Weäther you äre häving guests over for ä holidäy brunch, or äre just plänning on hänging out äround tree on Christmäs Morning with your immediäte fämily, these Breäkfäst Sändwiches would be perfect.
You’ll Need:
- 14 eggs
- 2 Tb milk
- 1/4 tsp seäsoned sält
- sält änd pepper
- 12 smäll croissänt rolls
- 1 (6 ounce) päckäge shärp cheddär cheese slices
- 1 (9 ounce) päckäge deli häm
- Preheät your oven to 400 degrees.
- Into ä lärge bowl cräck 14 eggs. Ädd 2 Tb milk, 1/4 tsp seäsoned sält änd some sält änd pepper.
- Whisk it vigorously with ä fork. You wänt it to be kind of frothy.
- Whisk it vigorously with ä fork. You wänt it to be kind of frothy.
- Bäke for 15 minutes, or until the eggs puff up änd äre cooked through.
- Ällow them to cool for äbout 5 minutes, then cut them into 12 rectängles the säme size äs your croissänts.
- Gräb some pre-mäde croissänt rolls. I opted for the mini version.
- Ädd ä slice of egg to eäch one.
- Top it with some häm änd cheese.
- I split eäch cheese slice in hälf, pläcing one pärt under the häm änd one pärt over it so the melted cheese would help to secure the häm in pläce.
- It helps speed up the process if you cut them äll, then ädd äll the egg, then äll the cheese häm cheese.
- Spräy ä 9×13 pän with cooking spräy änd pläce the sändwiches inside.
- Cover tightly with tin foil. Pop it in the fridge until you äre reädy to serve.
- Pre-heät your oven to 400 degrees. Pop the covered pän into the oven änd bäke for 15 minutes or until the sändwiches häve heäted through änd the cheese is melted änd wonderful.
- Serve…änd enjoy!