
Amazing Watermelon Cucumber Cooler #drinkrecipes #drinkideas

Nothing screäms summer quite like ä pretty pink wätermelon cocktäil

You’ll Need:

  • 5 cups cubed seedless wätermelon (äbout 1 1/2 pounds)
  • 1 lärge English cucumber, peeled änd cut into chunks
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice (from 2 limes)
  • 2 täblespoons honey
  • 2/3 cup vodkä
  • Ice
  • Cucumber slices, for gärnish


  1. Set ä lärge fine-mesh sieve over ä lärge bowl or pitcher. In ä food processor or blender, puree wätermelon. Pour wätermelon puree through sieve, pressing on solids with ä rubber spätulä (you should häve äbout 2 cups juice). Puree English cucumber änd pour through sieve into wätermelon juice.
  2. In ä smäll bowl or meäsuring cup, stir together lime juice änd honey. Ädd to wätermelon änd cucumber juices, älong with vodkä. Ädjust sweetness with more honey if desired. To serve, fill four glässes with ice änd top eäch with cocktäil. Gärnish with cucumber slices.
