
How to Lose 15 Pounds in 7 Days with the Cucumber Diet

Cucumbers are an essential food to any healthy diet. Not only are cucumbers nutritional, but they are also great for making you feel full, since they are a vegetable, and are thus full of dietary fibers.

Eating cucumbers every week is also great for cleaning your gastrointestinal tract, and they can stimulate your metabolism. Today we are going to be reviewing the 7-day cucumber diet, which was claimed to help people lose up to 15 pounds (that's 7 kg's) in a single week.

Here's What to Eat for Breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. To have a great breakfast according to the cucumber diet, you need to combine one plate of cucumber salad, together with 2 to 3 hardboiled eggs. Remember the eat the yolk and the white in the eggs.

Cucumber Snacks

Every diet needs to have snacks, for those times when your blood sugar falls and you are craving for some food. For snacking while on the cucumber diet, you can have 5 plums, 1 big apple or 1 peach (that weighs less than 200 grams).

The Perfect Lunch

The lunch on the cucumber diet may not be what you've been used it. The lunch is going to be severely lacking in calories, but that's so you can lose weight in a fast manner. Remember, you need to only do the diet for a week in order to lose 15 pounds.

How to Make the Lunch

For making a tasty lunch, you need to combine one piece of toasted wheat bread with a bowl of cucumber salad. The cucumber salad is basically a single large piece of cucumber, cut up into small slices. You can add olive oil to the salad.

More Information Regarding the Cucumber Salad

Here is a bit more information on how to properly make a delicious cucumber salad. After getting a single large or two medium-sized pieces of cucumber, you need to cut them up into small slices. After that, place the slices into a bowl.

Add Sour Milk or Yogurt

Once the sliced up pieces of cucumber have been placed in a large bowl, you can add 200 ml (that's 6-7 oz.) of sour milk or yogurt. This is going to give the salad a very nice texture and fluidity. Plus it's going to mix with the other ingredients in an awesome manner.

Add Some Fresh Onion

Once you have properly mixed the sour milk or yogurt with the sliced up pieces of cucumber, you can now add a single piece of onion to the salad. Onion is an excellent addition to both sour milk and yogurt, as it enhances their flavor.

The Final Addition

Once you have completed all the previous steps, you can now freely add any amount of salt that suits your needs. Note that the less salt you use in your cooking, the better the food is going to be for your health. Salt increases both water retention and your blood pressure.

Peeling the Cucumber

Most people peel the cucumber before slicing it into the bowl. This is usually done for health reasons, since many fruits and vegetables may be carrying preservatives on their skin. On the other hand, the vegetable's skin is where most of the vitamins and miners are.

Eating the Cucumber Raw

If you are willing to "risk" it metaphorically speaking, you might end up with a healthier food profile is slice the cucumber with its skin. You should probably try out both methods and see which one suits you best - different people have different needs.

Remember to Mix Well

In order to make this salad have an awesome taste, it is important to mix it well. Both the slices and the onion need to be cut up into small pieces so that they mash up in the sour milk or yogurt. The salt can be added last to the mix.

About the Cucumber Shake

A cucumber salad and a piece of toasted bread are not enough for most adults. Plus everyone likes to have a shake from time to time. The good news is that the cucumber salad also included a "cucumber shake" that you can drink on a daily basis.

How to Make a Cucumber Shake

To make a cucumber shake, you need to start off with a single piece of cucumber - you can even use a small piece of cucumber for this tasty meal. Next, to the cucumber, you can also add an apple and even a handful of washed spinach.

Blending Them Altogether

Once you have the cucumber, apple, and washed spinach, you can now blend all of these ingredients together. Once they have been blended, you can add a little bit of fresh ginger in order to enhance the flavor. Consume the shake while it is fresh.

Eating Fruit for Dinner

Here is an excellent bit of information for all the sweet food lovers - you can have 300 grams (that's around half a pound) of fruit for dinner, every day while on the cucumber diet. The fruit can be of any type - included apples, bananas, and peaches.
