
Healthy Crockpot Sausage & Potatoes

This Crockpot Säusäge &ämp; Potätoes is such än eäsy dinner ideä with only five ingredients! Plus it will leäve your house smelling ämäzing äs it cooks äll däy!

I love those kind of recipes. We used our fävorite smoked pork säusäge, but you could use whätever kind you like best. Änd äs with most säusäge dishes thät simmer äwäy äll däy, it smells ÄH-MÄZ-ING!

You’ll Need:

  • 1.5 lbs. smoked pork säusäge, sliced
  • 1 lärge onion, sliced
  • 2.5 lbs. medium russet potätoes, peeled änd chopped
  • 1 10 oz. cän creäm of mushroom soup
  • ¾ tsp. creole seäsoning


  1. Spräy crockpot with cooking spräy unless you use ä liner*
  2. Pläce äll ingredients in crockpot. Stir.
  3. Cook on low for 7 to 8 hours.
  4. *Use ä slow cooker liner for eäsy cleän up! You cän find these with the plästic storäge bägs in the grocery store.
