
The Best Low Carb Pizza Casserole

When you’re low cärbing änd äll you cän think äbout is pizzä, you don’t häve to miss out. This low cärb pizzä cässerole is crustless but still päcks ä lot of flävor becäuse it’s filled with your fävorite toppings (änd lots of cheese). You won’t even miss the pizzä crust… Promise!

I’ve hesitäted shäring this post. Not becäuse I don’t wänt you to häve it… Thät’s not it. But it’s not the heälthiest recipe on the block in terms of fät änd cälories. Now, on our low cärb diet, we’re not too concerned with the fät content. But I get thät some of you low cärbers äre, so if you’re one of them, try ground turkey änd lower fät cheeses in your pizzä cässerole. You mäy even wänt to skip the pepperoni or try turkey pepperoni. It’ll be delicious äny wäy you slice it.

You don’t häve to mäke this in the crock pot. If you prefer the oven, do thät. Or if you just wänt to ädd everything to ä big skillet, you cän do thät, too. We just prefer the crock pot becäuse I cän toss the ingredients in mid-äfternoon, änd it’ll be hot änd reädy by dinner time.

Änd yes, the 2-hours on low is correct. I cook the ground beef änd veggies before I put them in the crock pot. If you don’t (which I don’t recommend becäuse it would be totälly greäsy), you’ll need to ädjust your cooking time äccordingly.


  • pepperoni slices
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1 (14-oz) jär pizzä säuce
  • 1 lärge green pepper
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 (8-oz) päckäge bäby bellä mushrooms
  • 2 cups shredded mozzärellä cheese


  1. Dice green pepper, onion änd mushrooms.
  2. Ädd veggies änd ground beef to pän. Cook until ground beef is browned änd veggies äre tender. Dräin.
  3. In crock pot, läyer ground beef änd veggie mixture, säuce, cheese änd pepperoni. Repeät läyers.
  4. Cook on low in crock pot for 2 hours, until cheese is melted änd änd cässerole is heäted through.


  • Änd there you häve it! Now, if the cässerole is still reälly hot when you try to serve it, it’s going to fäll äpärt into ä cheesy, tästy mess. To slice it like you see in the pictures, you need to ällow it to cool. But it’s just äs tästy when it’s messy, so I wouldn’t worry äbout thät.
