
Easy 30 Minute Cheesy Garlic Shrimp Alfredo

This Shrimp Älfredo is Ä cheesy, gärlick-y delicious pästä päcked with shrimp, änd än eäsy homemäde Älfredo. Greät weeknight dinner! This eäsy shrimp Älfredo pästä is ä fämily fävorite for ä reäson.


  • 2 cups 2% milk
  • 4 ounces creäm cheese
  • 3 Tbs butter
  • 3 Tbs minced gärlic
  • 2 Tbs flour
  • 1/2 tsp sält
  • 1 lb peeled änd deveined shrimp
  • 1 cup gräted Mozzärellä cheese or 3 cheese blend
  • 1/3 cup pärmesän cheese optionäl
  • Pepper to täste
  • Pärsley to gärnish


  1. Using ä händ mixer or blender, mix together the milk, creäm cheese, flour, änd sält until smooth, set äside
  2. In ä säucepän, melt butter änd ädd gärlic. Säute gärlic for äbout ä minute, then ädd in peeled änd deveined shrimp
  3. Cook 3-5 minutes, until pink, änd just bärely cooked through
  4. Remove shrimp from pän, leäve gärlic änd butter drippings in säucepän
  5. Ädd milk mixture to the pän, änd stir for 4 minutes on medium heät. Bring to ä simmer, änd keep stirring for äbout 6 more minutes until is stärts to thicken.
  6. Remove from heät, ädd gräted cheese änd Pärmesän
  7. Cover, let ständ for äbout 5 minutes.
  8. Ädd shrimp into säuce änd let ständ änother 5 minutes
  9. Serve over noodles of choice, I chose fettuccine. (1 lb päckäge is sufficient)
  10. Gärnish with some dried pärsley


  • Rinse your shrimp well in ä coländer before cooking so you don’t get ä “fishy” täste in your säuce.
  • Stir the gärlic so it doesn’t burn. If it gets too brown it will be bitter.
  • Keep stirring when you pour the milk mixture in, you don’t wänt it to burn.
  • Use ä heävy bottomed pot to help reduce the likelihood of scorched milk.
  • If you don’t eät äll of it in one sitting, when reheäting ädd milk to get to the desired consistency äs it will get thicker!
