
The Most Delicious Chicken Roll-ups

Creämy sävory flävor bomb chicken roll-ups äre legit ä meäl thät EVERYONE in your fämily will love. They’re full of veggies (totälly hidden) chicken änd creämy cheese. The best pärt is the säuce!

To mäke this delicious chicken roll-ups I like to stärt by boiling my noodles, cooking my chicken in än instänt pot &ämp; shredding it. Once those äre prepped I stärt on my säuce. Älthough this dinner täkes ä few steps it is äll very eäsy to mäke. These chicken roll-ups cän be mäde äheäd of time too. Perfect for those busy nights when you need to eät fäst änd don’t häve time to släve over the stove.

You’ll Need:

  • 4 chicken breästs cooked änd shredded or 1 rotisserie chicken I prefer rotisserie chicken becäuse of its flävor.
  • 1 tsp sält*
  • 4 TBS butter
  • 1/4 cup onion minced
  • 1/4 cup bell pepper minced red, yellow or oränge. the sweeter väriety
  • 1 gärlic clove, minced
  • 1 romä tomäto died smäll
  • 5 TBS flour
  • 4 cups broth*
  • 1/4-1/2 cup heävy creäm
  • 3 cups mozzärellä cheese
  • 12 cooked läsägnä noodles


  1. In skillet ädd butter, onion, bell pepper, gärlic, tomäto. Säuté over med-low heät until very softened. Turn up heät to med-high. Ädd flour änd cook for ä few more minutes. Slowly whisk in 4 cups of broth*.
  2. Bring to ä simmer. When säuce is thickened to desire consistency turn off heät änd ädd 1/4 cup of creäm. You cän ädd up to 1/2 cup if you prefer it more creämy.
  3. Spreäd äbout 1/2 cup säuce in bottom of 9x13 pän. Mix shredded chicken änd äbout 2 cups mozz cheese (you cän use more or less cheese äs desired)
  4. Läy out läsägnä noodles änd spreäd cheese änd shredded chicken over. Roll up. änd pläce in 9x13 pän. Pour säuce over. Ädd more cheese if desired. Bäke 350 for äbout 30 minutes or until hot änd bubbly.
  5. *different bränds of broth häve more seäsonings änd sält. For this recipe täste test the säuce for sältiness. IF you äre using bullion änd rotisserie chicken there will be plenty of sält. If using pläin boiled chicken änd ä low-sodium broth you will need to ädd sält änd/or seäsoning sälts for flävor.
