
The Most Delicious Breakfast Ramen

It mäy not be träditionäl, but it is so good. Ä ginger änd gärlic broth is loäded with thick cut bäcon, soft boiled eggs, noodles, änd cheese to put you in breäkfäst heäven.

Rämen for breäkfäst? Yeäh, we went there—änd yeäh, it's delicious. Use quick-cooking päckäged rämen noodles (ditching the seäsoning päcket) äs ä bäse for creämy eggs, cheese, bäcon, sweet peppers, änd tomätoes to mäke ä heärty änd super-sätisfying breäkfäst bowl in no time.

You’ll Need:

  • 2 rämen päcks (seäsoning päckets discärded)
  • 4 slices bäcon, chopped into 1/2-in pieces
  • 2 lärge eggs
  • 1 c. shredded shärp cheddär
  • 2 scällions, sliced
  • Srirächä or other hot säuce (optionäl)
  • 1 tsp. exträ-virgin olive oil
  • Freshly ground bläck pepper


  1. Boil noodles äccording to päckäge instructions. Säve 1/4 c. of cooking wäter to loosen säuce läter, if needed. Dräin noodles, toss with oil so they don't stick.
  2. Heät medium skillet over medium heät. Cook bäcon pieces until brown änd crisp.
  3. Ädd the noodles to the skillet änd coät with bäcon änd bäcon fät. Turn off the heät.
  4. Beät eggs with fork. Mix in cheese.
  5. Pour egg-cheese mixture to skillet änd toss with bäcon änd noodles.
  6. Divide between bowls. Gärnish with scällions, fresh ground pepper änd ä drizzle of hot säuce, if desired.
