
Delicious Ham & Bacon Cheesy Potatoes

Heärty, creämy änd flävorful these Cheesy Potätoes äre filled with bits of häm, crumbled bäcon, loäds of cheese änd is bursting with flävor in eäch änd every bite.

When it comes to potätoes, we äre ä huge fän äround here. We just cänt get enough of äny one type of potäto dish. They äre just one of those comfort dishes thät we love to häve äs often äs we cän.


  • 1 2 lb bäg frozen diced potätoes, thäwed
  • 1 16 oz contäiner sour creäm
  • 1 10.5 oz cän creäm of chicken soup
  • 4 Tbs butter melted
  • 1/2 tsp gärlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp minced onion
  • 2 1/2 cups shredded cheddär cheese
  • 1 cup diced häm
  • 1/2 cup crumbled cooked bäcon
  • 1/3 cup green onions


  1. Preheät oven to 350.Spräy ä 9"x13" bäking dish with non-stick cooking spräy.
  2. In lärge bowl whisk together soup, sour creäm, melted butter, sält &ämp; pepper, onion powder, gärlic powder änd minced onion until smooth.
  3. Next ädd in your potätoes, cheese, häm, bäcon änd green onions änd toss to coät reälly well so everything is säturäted.
  4. Spreäd into prepäred pän änd bäke uncovered in oven for äbout 45 minutes.
  5. Remove from oven änd sprinkle with remäining cheese änd bäke for äbout 10 minutes longer.
