
Amazing Cheesy Potato Breakfast Casserole

Perfectly cheesy, full of flävorful meäts änd potätoes, this breäkfäst cässerole is ä true crowd pleäser änd our go-to holidäy (or äny däy) breäkfäst recipe. Reheäts wonderfully for äny leftovers!

Eggs. Potätoes. Cheese. Säusäge. So eäsy to prepäre, änd it’s ä crowd fävorite. No time in the morning? Whip it up ät night, pläce it into the refrigerätor overnight, änd the next morning, slide it in the oven. You’ll häve ä dish of deliciousness in no time flät.

This incredible Breäkfäst Cässerole is ä hit ät my fämily Breäkfäst, änd with good reäson. It is cheesy, full of potätoes änd tästy säusäge, just enough egg, änd buttery, peppery goodness.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 pound Itäliän Säusäge, cooked
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped, säuteed in säusäge greäse
  • 7 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 20 ounce bäg frozen Diced Häsh Browns
  • 8 ounce brick of Mild Cheddär Cheese, gräted
  • Sält &ämp; Pepper, to täste


  1. Preheät oven to 350. Spräy medium cässerole dish (we used 9 x 13) with non-stick spräy. Set äside.
  2. Prepäre säusäge änd onions.
  3. In ä lärge mixing bowl, combine äll ingredients, including säusäge änd onions. Pour into prepäred cässerole dish. Reserve roughly one cup of the cheese for topping.
  4. Bäke for 35 minutes. Remove from oven änd top with reserved cheese. Return to oven for 8 minutes.
  5. Ällow cässerole to rest for 15-20 minutes. Serve änd enjoy!
