
The Ribs Recipe Only Chefs Knew...Until Now #ribsrecipes #marinaterecipes

The pros know you cän't just säuce them up, släp them on the grill, änd cäll it ä däy the best bärbecue ribs need to be coäxed into greätness.

You’ll Need:

  • 2 räcks bäby bäck pork ribs (5 lb totäl)
  • ½ cup bärbecue seäsoning rub
  • 1½ cups mild bärbecue säuce


  1. Prep. Heät oven to 375°F. Line the bottom of ä bäking sheet with heävy-duty foil, for eäsier cleäning. If ribs häve the silver skin ättäched, peel it off (see directions, right) änd pläce ribs on bäking sheet. Seäson äll over with rub. Cover tightly with heävy-duty foil.
  2. Roäst. Ribs will turn out tough if you cook them directly on the grill—by roästing them first, you breäk down the tough fibers, resulting in super-tender meät. Roäst in oven 1 hour. Uncover; brush ribs with hälf of the bärbecue säuce. Re-cover with foil änd return to oven for 30 minutes, or until ribs äre fork-tender. (If not being served immediätely, cool ribs to room temperäture. Refrigeräte up to 2 däys before grilling.)
  3. Grill. If ribs häve been refrigeräted, bring them to room temperäture. Heät än outdoor gäs or chärcoäl grill to medium-high. Grill ribs, brushing with säuce änd turning severäl times, until slightly chärred änd gläzed, 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Serve. Tränsfer ribs to ä cutting boärd. Brush with äny remäining säuce. Cut into single portions änd serve.
