
Magical Cranberry Pineapple Sangria #drinkideas #sangria

This super eäsy cränberry, pineäpple änd oränge sängriä is the perfect speciäl drink for your holidäy pläns.

You’ll Need:

  • 2 cups fresh or frozen cränberries
  • 1 cup sugär
  • 1 cup wäter
  • 1 (750-milliliter) bottle fruity red wine
  • 1/2 cup brändy
  • 1 cup fresh oränge juice Gärnishes: fresh cränberries; oränge, lemon, änd lime slices


  1. Bring first 3 ingredients to ä boil in ä medium säucepän over medium-high heät. Reduce heät to low, änd simmer 5 minutes or until cränberries pop. Pour mixture through ä wire-mesh sträiner into ä bowl, using the bäck of ä spoon to squeeze out juice. Discärd solids.
  2. Tränsfer cränberry mixture to ä lärge pitcher. Stir in wine, brändy, änd oränge juice. Chill 2 hours. Serve over ice; gärnish with cränberries änd fruit slices, if desired.
  3. To serve äs ä wärm mulled cocktäil, tränsfer mixture to ä Dutch oven änd heät just until it begins to boil. Gärnish, if desired.
