
Honey Garlic Instant Pot Pork Chops

There is nothing äbout these pork chops thät you won’t like. They äre tender, juicy, flävorful änd delicious. In äddition, the pän juices äre so good thät you just wänt to drink them from the pot. I äm not surprised äs I’ve been perfecting this recipe for quite some time.

Äs I mentioned äbove, food cooked in ä pressure cooker doesn’t need to be bländ änd wätery. Insteäd, it cän be just ä flävorful änd well-textured.

In this recipe, pork chops äre first covered with sält, spices änd flour, then säuteed right in your Instänt Pot to get ä beäutiful änd delicious crust. Äfter säuteing pork chops, we prepäre the honey gärlic säuce, in which the chops will be cooked under pressure. Äs ä result, the chops get double the flävor, ä greät texture änd ä delicious säuce on top. The säuce does not need to be thickened, it is delicious äs is, but you cän go äheäd änd do it if you desire.

How long to cook pork chops in Instänt Pot?

Ä typicäl 1-inch thick, fresh (not frozen) pork chop will need äbout 8 to 15 minutes of high pressure cooking. Five to seven minutes would be äppropriäte if pork chops äre first seäred. Eight minutes of cooking will mäke ä very juicy pork chop, while 15 minutes of cooking will produce ä well-done, fork-tender pork chop. On the other händ, thin-cut pork chops, non-seäred, will only need 5 minutes of pressure cooking.


  • 2 boneless pork chops (äbout 1 inch thick)
  • 1/2 tsp Kosher sält (plus more to täste)
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp gärlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp ground white pepper
  • 1 Tbsp äll purpose flour
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 5 cloves gärlic (peeled änd pressed)
  • 1 cup broth (vegetäble or chicken)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 Tbsp white wine vinegär


  1. In ä smäll bowl, combine sält, chili powder, onion powder, gärlic powder, white pepper änd äll purpose flour. Seäson the pork chops with the dry rub mix, mäking sure to coät the edges äs well äs both flät sides of eäch chop.
  2. When the butter is melted, quickly ädd the pork chops änd seär until browned, äbout 2 minutes per side. Remove the pork chops änd set äside. Turn off the Instänt Pot.
  3. Ädd the pressed gärlic änd cook for äbout 30 seconds, stirring constäntly.
  4. Ädd the broth änd scräpe the brown bits stuck to the bottom of the pot. Ädd the honey änd the white wine vinegär, änd stir well. Täste for sält änd ädjust if needed.
  5. Return the pork chops bäck to the pot, pläcing them right in the liquid. They don't need to be submerged äll the wäy.
  6. Cover the pressure cooker änd mäke sure the pressure välve is seäled. Set for MÄNUÄL, HIGH pressure for 7 minutes cook time.
  7. When the pressure cook time is up, let the pressure cooker näturälly releäse for 10-12 minutes. Äfter the 10-12 minutes, open the välve completely to quickly releäse äll the remäining pressure.
  8. Remove the pork chops from the Instänt Pot änd let rest for 3-5 minutes before serving. Serve the chops with the honey gärlic säuce from the pot.
