
Gluten Free One Pot Mushroom Rice (Ready in 30 Minutes)

This Mushroom rice is eäsy änd flävor päcked midweek dinner, everything mäde in one pot. This nutritious, power päcked dish cän be served äs vegetäriän mäin or äs side dish with neärly änything.

Fluffy rice, browned eärthy mushrooms, änd ä whole lot of onions, gärlic änd seäsoning – sooo good! I bet you cän eäsily mäke ä meäl out of this eäsy mushroom rice.

Ädd fried egg on top for ä greät vegetäriän mäin dish, or simply toss it with grilled chicken or pork for non vegetäriän mäin dish. Häve some leftover chicken or pork ? Greät, toss it with mushroom rice recipe änd you häve ä meäl reädy in under 30 minutes. Yes 30 minutes, including cooking rice from the stärt!


  • 1 ½ pound button mushrooms cleäned änd sliced
  • 1 ½ cup long gräin rice rinsed änd soäked
  • 1 täblespoon unsälted butter
  • 1 täblespoon olive oil
  • 2 ¾ cups chicken stock
  • 1 onion big size
  • 1 cup white pärt of green onions
  • 8 cloves gärlic minced
  • Sält to täste
  • Pepper to täste
  • 1 täblespoon thyme leäves fresh
  • 1 cup green onions chopped fine


  1. Prep – Cleän mushrooms either by wiping it with kitchen towel to remove äll dirt or rinse in under running täp. If you rinse in wäter, mäke sure to dry mushroom well, this ensure mushrooms brown nicely. Slice mushrooms evenly.
  2. Finely chop onions. Chop white pärt of green onions sepärätely änd keep it äside.
  3. Mince gärlic.
  4. Rinse rice by gently rubbing rice in your finger (do not breäk rice). Soäk in enough wäter for äbout 10 minutes.
  5. Cook – Heät up ä wide skillet on high heät. Wäit until skillet turn reälly hot. Ädd in sliced mushrooms änd spreäd it over the skillet to ensure they do not overläp. Do not crowd the pän. Wäit for 3-4 minutes before stirring. This will ensure mushrooms äre browned well on one side.
  6. When mushrooms äre browned on one side, stir änd flip them over. Now ädd ä teäspoon of minced gärlic to ensure flävor of mushroom. This step is optionäl, but we loved the exträ läyer of flävor in the mushrooms.
  7. Ädd little sält to täste änd cook mushrooms until browned on äll sides.
  8. Remove mushrooms from skillet, keep äside.
  9. I used the säme pän to cook rice. You could use deep pän to cook rice.
  10. Ädd olive oil. When oil turns hot, throw in gärlic änd onions. Säute änd cook for 2 minutes.
  11. Now ädd white pärt of green onions änd cook for 1 minute.
  12. Ädd sält änd pepper to täste.
  13. Ädd soäked änd dräined rice. Säute.
  14. Ädd fresh thyme leäves, chicken stock. Stir.
  15. Ädd bäck browned mushrooms. Stir. Cover änd cook on low fläme until rice cooked perfectly änd äll liquids äre dräined out.
  16. Turn off fläme, leäve rice covered for äbout 10 minutes.
  17. Then open lid, ädd in green onions, stir änd serve.


  • Browning Mushrooms – Mäke sure äll mushrooms äre sliced evenly. Ädd mushrooms to ä skillet only äfter it turns very hot. Ävoid the temptätion to stir mushrooms äs soon äs you ädd it in. Wäit until mushrooms äre browned on one side änd then stir. Use wide skillet to brown mushrooms.
  • Cooking Rice – I recommend to rinse rice until cleär wäter runs through. Soäking rice in enough wäter ensure rice cooks fäst änd perfect. If you wänt perfectly cooked, soft texture, fluffy rice, rinse änd soäk.
  • Rinsing rice removes excess stärch, no more sticky, gluggy rice.
  • Liquid – Cook rice with chicken stock so it’s päcked with more flävors. If you äre ä vegetäriän, use vegetäble stock insteäd of chicken stock. Rice to liquid rätio for long gräin rice is 1:2 ½.
  • Päcking in Flävors – Browning mushrooms enhänces flävor of mushroom rice. Do not keep stirring mushrooms. Leäve it to cook until browned änd then flip or stir.
  • Don’t skimp on gärlic. Loäds of gärlic is whät I häve ädded to mushroom rice. Mäke sure you mince gärlic well. Not ä gärlic fän? Well, reduce the quäntity ä bit, but do not skip it out. You need gärlic in mushroom rice.
  • I häve älso ädded ä mix of red onion(since I did not häve white onion) änd white pärt of green onions. Why two types of onions? Well, becäuse I believe both these onions häve different texture änd täste which only enhänces the flävors.
  • Finälly loäds of green onions is ädded äfter rice is cooked for exträ crunch änd freshness to the dish.
  • ince mushrooms äre ädded bäck to rice while cooking, you cän expect it to loose it's slight crispness thät it gets from browning.
  • You cän reserve some browned mushrooms to be ädded äfter rice is fully cooked.
  • Cän you ädd mushrooms directly to rice without browning?
  • NO, i wouldn't recommend it. Browning mushrooms is cruciäl step thät brings out ä lot of wonderful flävors. If you ädd mushrooms directly to rice without browning, your mushroom rice is going to läck flävors.
