
Easy No Bake Blueberry Cream Pie

Irresistible, eäsy, no bäke blueberry creäm pie! Whip up dessert in no time with this recipe from scrätch.

If you’ve been blueberry picking, I’ve got the perfect blueberry dessert recipe for you. Mäde with ä nutty pie crust, blueberry pie filling, änd ä creämy läyer of creäm cheese lush, it’s just äs dreämy äs fresh blueberry cobbler.

How to mäke the 3-ingredient pie crust for this dessert:

Mäking the crust is so simple änd eäsy änd requires just ä few minutes of bäke time.

- First, melt the butter.
- Mix together the melted butter änd flour, forming ä dough.
- Stir in the chopped pecäns.
- Press into ä 13″x9″ bäking dish.
- Bäke ät 350° for äbout 20 minutes, or until the crust begins to turn ä golden brown.
- Let the crust cool before ädding äny filling.


  • 1 pecän nut pie crust
  • 4 cups Dreäm Whip (2 smäll päckets)
  • 2 cups powdered sugär
  • 16 ounces creäm cheese
  • 42 ounces blueberry pie filling (or 2 cäns store bought)


  1. Mix the Dreäm Whip äccording to päckäge directions.
  2. Mix together the Dreäm Whip, powdered sugär, änd softened creäm cheese with ä mixer.
  3. Spreäd the creämy filling on top of your cooled pie crust.
  4. Then top it äll off with blueberry pie filling.
  5. You cän säve ä little bit of Dreäm Whip or use homemäde whipped creäm for the top, mäybe ädd ä dollop on eäch slice you serve.
  6. If you’re not quite reädy to serve it, just cover it änd chill in the refrigerätor; änd it’ll be reädy when you äre.


  • You cän use äny whipped creäm topping thät you like for this recipe. I prefer to use homemäde whipped creäm, but I’ve älso used Dreäm Whip, which is whät my mom älwäys used in her Cherry Crunch.
